Thursday, February 23, 2006

Christ and Feather

Christ and Feather, originally uploaded by SteveFE.

Ruined cottage near Crusheen, County Clare - Ireland.

Photo by Steve Ford Elliott, County Clare -IRELAND.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ghost town church (abandoned)

ghost town church (abandoned), originally uploaded by bealluc.

This abandoned church is in the ghost town of Dorothy, Alberta. There are two churches there, maybe a hundred feet apart. We arrived in Dorothy with maybe twenty-five minutes of sunlight remaining to the day -- an excellent time for photographing.

If you're in the mood for more badlands & ghost town photographs, you can look at the full set, click here.

My friend Bonedad also had his camera with him and he took some astonishing photos of the badlands sights which you can see here.

Photo by Felix Constantinople, Calgary, Alberta.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What I do (or) Caught in the act

what i do (or) caught in the act, originally uploaded by tearapen.

Photo by Will Snap, Eastern, North Carolina - USA.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Forsaken by Intel

Forsaken by Intel 2, originally uploaded by Crochunter.

A view into the partially finished Intel Building in downtown Austin. During the tech boom of 1999-2000 a number of tech companies expressed their desire to build new offices in downtown Austin and one of them, Intel, actually broke ground on this building. However, when the bubble collapsed, everyone abandoned their efforts... and unfortunately 5 years later this eyesore is still a part of our downtown area. This view shows the top of the structure, looking the same as when it was abandoned in 2001.

Photo by Steve Santore, Austin, Texas - USA.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


revisited, originally uploaded by hkvam.

The abandoned farmhouse in Höfðaströnd, N-Iceland.

Photo by Helga Kvam, Svalbarðsströnd - ICELAND.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Vícam Pueblo

Vícam Pueblo, originally uploaded by Memo Vasquez.

Uno de los ocho pueblos Yaquis...

Photo by Memo Vasquez, Hermosillo - MÉXICO.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Burnt, originally uploaded by shadowoflightproject.

Photo by ShadowOfLightProject, Mojave Desert - USA.

Shadow Of Light Project

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Turn on the right corner...

and you may find the lost places ...

Photo by Paula C., Porto - PORTUGAL.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wet Paint

Wet Paint, originally uploaded by Karl Harrison.

Photo by Karl Martel, Montreal - CANADA.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2-tone shack

2 tone shack 2, originally uploaded by tearapen.

Photo by Will Snap.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Empty, originally uploaded by eyefulimages.

I'm in Colorado right now and you would think I would find something beautiful to photograph.

Photo by Victor J. Palagano, Mesa - USA.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Outside world

Outside world, originally uploaded by magic fly paula.

Near the edge of our blind cities we can find these lost places, these no places.They have their own story, a parallel one... Do I really see this?Does anybody notice their existence?

Photo by Paula C, Porto - PORTUGAL.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

in a western town

in a western town, originally uploaded by astrocruzan.

Photo by Astrocruzan, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Friday, February 10, 2006

After the hurricane (suggested title)

, originally uploaded by -Angela.

Another from my first trip back to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

Photo by Angela, Virginia - USA.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Santiago. Nº 17

Santiago. Nº 17, originally uploaded by Manuel Bóo.

Photo by Manuel Bóo, Vigo - España.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Bleached bones

Bleached bones, originally uploaded by Moskau Moskau.

Interior shot here.

Photo by Jess, Regina, SK - CANADA.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Casa en ruinas

Casa en ruinas, originally uploaded by arantxamex.

El centro histórico de Morelia es muy bello y por lo general está bien cuidado, pero también es frecuente encontrar viejas casas de adobe y piedra olvidadas y ruinosas. Esta está frente al mercado del Santo Niño

Morelia is usually beautiful and well conserved, but it is not unusual to find some old stone forgotten houses, eaten by time.

Photo by Arantxa, Morelia, Michoacán - MEXICO.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Caged, originally uploaded by kodama.

Photo by Sam Bowman, San Francisco - USA.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


fragile, originally uploaded by tearapen.

Photo by Will Snap.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


jeriko, originally uploaded by wacky doodler.

ELC Penthouse

ELC is a phenomenally awsome group of artists in NYC. Ralder and I were only able to book a night at the penthouse suite, but you can check out more of their collab projects both on and off the streets here.

Photo by Wacky Doodler,

Friday, February 03, 2006

Vícam Pueblo, Tierra Yaqui

Vícam Pueblo, Tierra Yaqui, originally uploaded by Memo Vasquez.

Vícam es uno de los ocho pueblos Yaquis, indígenas de Sonora de gran tradición histórica.
La iglesia con el panteón a la salida y la Ramada, son los principales puntos de reunión para sus rituales y juntas, ya tienen territorio y gobierno local propios.

Photo by Memo Vasquez, Hermosillo - MÉXICO.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Staying there

Staying there, originally uploaded by MemaNH.

I think this truck will be completely hidden next summer.

Photo by MemaNH, New Hampshire - USA.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Secret Door

the secret door, originally uploaded by ellectric.

Photo by Michelle, London - UK.