Monday, August 28, 2006

Blue haze

Blue haze, originally uploaded by Oh Lenna.

The blue light is case by a window off to the left.

Photo by Olena Sullivan Toronto - CANADA.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

45 soweto

45 soweto, originally uploaded by camera_rwanda.

A boy stands in front of the barbed wire fence that protects his home--the gate a sobering reminder that crime still corrupts in this corner of the township.

Soweto, South Africa.
A very bright day.
July, 2005.

Photo by Kresta King Cutcher, Based in East Africa at the moment.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

El hotel de los pobres

Kdda en San Carlos, extensión Empalme

Photo by Arantxa, Morelia - MÉXICO.

Monday, August 07, 2006

World Ceasefire Vigil

World Ceasefire Vigil, originally uploaded by carf.

During the last week I’m sure there are many visitors to the Flickr photostreams who have noticed all the small black ribbons that Flickrites are now using as their buddy icons. Those icons represent more than just another Flickr identity, they represent a strong desire for world peace and a stop to the recent war breakout, by the many who have chosen to wear them for this peace action, an important action against yet another war to destroy thousands of innocent citizens, their families, their homes and their countries.

This is why over 4000 Flickrites decided to unite their actions this last week in a group called MUNDO UNO

…and the group is constantly growing as one of the fastest and most
meaningful on Flickr.

* MUNDO UNO is a call for peace.
* MUNDO UNO is a virtual protest against the madness of the war.
* MUNDO UNO is a way to say: stop the killing of civilians in both sides.

Shall we be ONE, one world, one face, one people to change this?

I hope and believe so and that is why I am asking you, my Flickr friends and contacts and anyone else visiting this Blog, to be part of this important action for World Peace.

Please join us today and take part in the group's CEASEFIRE action in
support of Amnesty International's WORLD CEASEFIRE VIGIL.
More information about this can be found in the group's discussion

I thank you and I'm sure our group members thank you.

Gregory J. Smith (CARF)
Social Entrepreneur and Founder
Children At Risk Foundation - CARF

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sober - Colour

Sober - Colour, originally uploaded by Karl Harrison.

The continuation of my night/portrait experiments. All lighting used has to be carried in a backpack.

Equipement used:
-EOS 7N with 50mm 1.4 lens
-Kodak Kodachrome 100iso slide film, Exposure 1-2secs @ f2.0
-3.5million candelight flashlight with blue gelatin.
-Manfrotto Tripod

Any comments, critiques or tips will be greatly appreciated.

Photo by Karl Harrison Montreal, Canada.